Monday, November 22, 2004


"Disordered Cogitations"

I searched Technorati for the title of my blog--Disordered Cogitations--and it couldn't find it. I searched for acadac and it found my postings here. I searched for "watermelon park" and found the posting at the beginning of my blog. So I conclude Technorati indexes the content of blogs, but not their titles.

Google does not index blogs by policy. Too many blogroll links mess up their algorithm. So in order to make the term "Disordered Cogitations" visible to Google and Technorati, I have to put those works in the text of my blog and on a web page somewhere in the WWW.

This blog does show up in the fantasy blog shares market called Blogshares.

I also discovered the first external link to this blog at WayPath. Though the link seems to have been lost when they re-indexed.

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