Friday, February 18, 2005


A Bunch of Web Sites

Experts Exchange
Most Emailed News

ohmynews - 10 editors, 25 staff reporters, 33,000 citizen journalists, 750,000 readers


Thursday, February 10, 2005


Google Maps

I have been a fan of Yahoo Maps for years. I have just been converted to Google Maps. As a test, looked at American Falls, Idaho in both. Google's smooth scrolling and better detail makes it a winner!


AudioBlog from Kilimanjaro

The has a piece on audioblogging. The coolest one I found was an ablog from the top of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


As if eMail Spam was not Enough . . .

. . . Wired News has an article about VOIP spam. Can't wait. : - (


Extremely Hi Res Photos!

Check out the GigaPxl Project. The resolution on these digital photographs is unbelievable.

Monday, February 07, 2005


Grid Commodity Trading

Computerworld reports that Sun will allow its commoditized CPU cycles (and I assume its commoditized storage) to be bought and sold in a market.

Last week Sun announced it will sell processing at $1 per CPU per hour and will sell storage at $1 per gig per month from 5 data centers. This follow's Jonathan's blog post on what a commodity really is.

This week Sun says that if someone buys 10,000 CPU hours, they can in turn re-sell some portion of that to others. This is just one short step away from futures (and other) markets in processing and storage.

This is a great revolutionary development -- and probably a little ahead of its time. When will Microsoft and IBM follow suit?

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


My Steve Jobs Story

Just ran across a blog that has the "missing 1984 video" of Steve Jobs introducing the Macintosh. It reminded me of a chance encounter I had with Steve Jobs about 15 years ago.

He had come to our company to demonstrate the NEXT machine. I was late for the demonstration. As I approached the door, he was standing there waiting--he was to go in after some other (procurement sensitive?) business was discussed. So I had about 2 minutes with him in the hall. At that time Jobs was under considerable pressure to bring up sales of the NEXT, because (as I remember) Ross Perot had invested $500,000 and was hoping for a return on the investment. At any rate, we had a nice (quick) chat about the stresses of running a technology company. I followed him as he was ushered into the room. He gave (of course) a spectacular briefing. We just could not convince our bosses to give up those IBM PCs at the time. The NEXT was just too far ahead of its time.

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