Tuesday, February 01, 2005


My Steve Jobs Story

Just ran across a blog that has the "missing 1984 video" of Steve Jobs introducing the Macintosh. It reminded me of a chance encounter I had with Steve Jobs about 15 years ago.

He had come to our company to demonstrate the NEXT machine. I was late for the demonstration. As I approached the door, he was standing there waiting--he was to go in after some other (procurement sensitive?) business was discussed. So I had about 2 minutes with him in the hall. At that time Jobs was under considerable pressure to bring up sales of the NEXT, because (as I remember) Ross Perot had invested $500,000 and was hoping for a return on the investment. At any rate, we had a nice (quick) chat about the stresses of running a technology company. I followed him as he was ushered into the room. He gave (of course) a spectacular briefing. We just could not convince our bosses to give up those IBM PCs at the time. The NEXT was just too far ahead of its time.

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