Thursday, January 26, 2006


Innovative application of game data to infectious disease

From Slashdot:
An anonymous reader writes "Using data from the web game, which traces the travels of dollar bills, scientists have unveiled statistical laws of human travel and developed a mathematical description that can be used to model the spread of infectious disease."

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Toogle . . .

Doc points to Toogle. Great images from coloring plain text. Search for your favorite celebrity! Howdy Doody for example!


The rise of the competent amateur

This morning on the way to work I listened to Joi Ito's IT Conversation talk at the Accerlating Change Conference. He mentioned the Creative Content website, where folks can post their Creative Commons Licenced content. Generally speaking, you can use Creative Commons content without paying a subscription, as long as you acknowledge the contect creator. I noticed that Creative Commons has two interesting variations for music.
Joi had a good quote (paraphrased) that people want to share in a conversation not be consumers of content. The conversation can be music mash-ups, power-point mashups, or threaded discussions. The world is moving from industrial age content push to information age content share and re-use.

He also noted that good "amatuers" produce better productions than mediocre "professionals." The web age ushers in a very different work model that we are just beginning to see, much less understand. But, it is exciting.

Monday, January 23, 2006


Map you mind

A list of Mind-Mapping applications at Mind Mapping Web Log.


Guy Kawasaki on Innovation

Innovation Weblog pointed me to Guy Kawasaki's thoughts on innovation.
  1. Jump to the next curve
  2. Don't worry, be crappy
  3. Churn, baby, churn
  4. Don't be afraid to polarize people
  5. Break down barriers
  6. Let a hundred flowers blossom
  7. Think digital, act analog
  8. Never ask people to do what you wouldn't do
  9. Don't let the bozos grind you down


Web 2.0

What is the promise of Web 2.0? Innovation Creators says:
When you use Web Office productivity tools, it doesn't matter what OS you are using. The World Wide Web is my OS.


YouTube Takes Off

According to Om Malik's blog, YouTube has matched Flicker in terms of serving content. Thanks to John Battelle for the pointer.

Conclusion: web video is hot.


Five IT Conversations . . .

. . . I want to listen to:

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Star Wars Kid Video Mashups

At the screaming pickle site.


Now that's the way you do it!

Check out It is a very professionally done collaborative webspace built on OpenText and Enterprise File System. It seems to work well. In addition to collaborative groups, it has a research library, blogs, a news stream, and links..


Web 2.0 Screencast

Innovation Creators has a neat flash screencast on Web 2.0.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006



Great background wallpaper site. Was Digg's #12 of 100 stories of 2005.


Long Live Rocky and Bullwinkle

Get old episodes of Rocky and Bullwinkle for $1.99 a pop from Google Video. In theory, the can be exported to the iPod. I will give at try later.

See this announcement from Google. We are now into the revolution in how we watch video entertainment.

Monday, January 09, 2006


Ten Innovation Podcasts . . .

. . . are referenced in these two (1, 2) Innovation Weblog postings.


Web Office Technology

Innovation Creators has a listing of Web 2.0 office automation technologies.


Google News Tag Cloud

Battelle's Searchblog pointed me to Newzingo's tag cloud of Google News.


When's Open Office going to be in the Pack?

Google Pack is an interesting solution. Big enterprises have similar functionality, though probably not so simple. Once the pack includes Open Office it will be a real killer.

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Giant Hairball

The following was recommended to me. The Amazon reviews are good, even 8 years after publication. I hope I have time to read it soon.
Orbiting the Giant Hairball : A Corporate Fool's Guide to Surviving with Grace


Bran Ferren on Web 2.0

IT Conversations just RSS'd me with a link to a podcast of Bran Ferren's views on Web 2.0.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Charlie Bess Podcast

The Cranky Middle Manager has a podcast interview with EDS Fellow Charlie Bess, that I would like to listen to.


Hong Kong Walk Through Movie

One of my favorite authors, Steven Johnson, made a fun little Hong Kong movie from a sequence of digital photos.
When I walked around on Sunday, it occurred to me what you needed to convey this quality of the city was not a photograph -- it was an accelerated, time-lapse-style film that emphasized the movement and change in the environment, and not just a static tableau. So I bought a little digital camera in one of those Bladerunner stores and did a five block walk through Kowloon, snapping a picture every fifteen feet or so. Turning it into a movie was literally a three step process: I imported into iPhoto, then opened iMovie and grabbed the whole sequence, and told iMovie to make a slideshow where each picture only lasts for five frames. You can see the end result for yourself.


Holophonic Sound

Try this on your iPod!


Portable Open Office

Digg pointed me to which has a version of Open Office that runs from a flash drive. How cool is that? Now I can take both my data and the program that manipulates the data with me. All I need is a generic machine on which to compute.

This has a lot of future potential -- especially when flash drives hit the 10 and 20 gig range. I will be able have my whole desktop on the drive.

I can't wait for cross platform apps that run regardless whether I'm plugged into Windows, Mac, or Linux.

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